7 small single Family Offices

January , 2019

In December 2018 and start of January 7 small single Family Offices chooses PandaConnect Group as their provider for Investment Administration.

What a 4th quarter 2018. The market went down, down and down like never seen before. All investment classes was negative except perhaps for currency and the Investors with Alternative Investments like Direct Investments, Infrastructure, properties etc. But even with that in mind the best Danish pension fund PensionDanmark had a total negative return on -2,4% for their market product with average risk and 20 years to pension or retirement.

How did it go for the one’s with only equities?

Well let’s say it could have gone better.

Last year

Last year I wrote a little about – What is the size needed for a Family Office, before it’s not a waste of money to use a Investment Administration like ours? What is the price of our services?

The conclusion was – Well it depends a little on the setup, do you have a investment adviser connected, do you have multiple custodians or managers, would you like to work active with your capital or is it more a passive investment? Do you have Direct Investments?

We have many possible setups and advisers which use our services. Also in all the years we have done Investment Administration, we have not seen two identical setup.

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