IT Services
The PandaConnect Portfolio Management System is available in
one common version on our central IT platform. As a rule, our clients share the IT setup,
calculation methods, static data, key figures and prices
Maintenance and Development
The IT platform runs on high performing stable servers in a private virtualised environment, which is monitored 24x7x365. IT Maintenance is responsible for the daily IT operations. The daily operation is described in Operations Manual. IT Development is responsible for all IT development on the portfolio management platform. All changes to existing applications are registered, authorised, tested, approved and implemented correctly.
IT Services
The IT Platform
The PandaConnect portfolio management system is available in one version on our central IT platform. As a rule, our clients share the IT setup, calculation methods, static data, key figures and prices.
Our platform consists of separate production, development and test environments. Adding to this is our security environments with a hot standby server, ready to take over with a data loss of maximum 5 minutes, and a complete cold standby server with a full backup.
Our central portfolio management system is developed in an Oracle database using Microsoft’s ASP.NET as a user interface. This setup provides the system with very high performance stability and a high speed of development.
PandaCockpit® provides an overview of your investments and the ability to make better decisions.
With PandaCockpit®, you can see the return, risk on your investments and benchmark, transactions, static data, market values and key indicators. You can also order reports, do data extrations etc.
Risk consist of compliance functions, currency, counterparty, Value-at-Risk analyses, Stress test and calculation of statistical key indicators, Rating etc.
Together with you, we can compose an investment report that you receive at appropriate intervals or view in PandaCockpit®.
This reporting can consist of professional performance analyses, compliance functions, Value-at-Risk analyses, and calculation of statistical key indicators.
We can calculate Solvency II (Market risk) or other stress tests, including data marts that are ideal for your own Solvency II model.
We also collect third-party data in general or for use with e.g. Solvency II.
As we are also integrated with other expert systems, you can conduct additional advanced analyses.
IT Development
One of the cornerstones of our services is the combination between IT and business. With our extensive experience in the field of project development, we can provide both business and developmental resources.
Combining your data, our platform and development expertise, PandaConnect’s portfolio management system is a very good starting point for any further software developments. You can choose to define your own individual software, or develop features of a more general character, to which other clients and PandaConnect could contribute.
Together with EY and KPMG we have composed a developmental model, which is applied to our systems development.
Clients are very rarely disturbed by the IT development, and we have an excellent success ratio of keeping within deadlines and budgets.
IT Security
PandaConnect meets the extended requirements of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority for data and delivery security for outsourcing partners to insurance companies, pension funds, banks, unit trusts etc.
Each year a statement on IT and user system security is released by acknowledged accountants according to the international standard ISAE 3402 type 2/3000 and the Danish Act on financial companies § 71, Sec. 1, No. 4.
In addition to the above, each year is given a separate statement about disaster prepared in according with ISAE 3000 DK.
We have received these statements since 1997.
In 2015 we have expand this to also include personal data.
Our latest rating is from April 2023 and the assessment positions us among the very best IT security platforms in Denmark, ranking our IT setup as on “a very satisfactory level”.
The IT platform is physically situated in a very advanced hosting centers that corresponds to all possible requirements.
We have our production, development, and test environments situated at our main centers together with a hot standby environment.
Our cold standby environment with a full backup to be ready within 5 hours is situated at our secondary hosting centers.
Access To The System
Your data is available to you in numerous ways.
Go online with PandaCockpit® and get an immediate overview of the most relevant investment information. Choose to order detailed reports from the report module. All reports are generated as PDF or Excel documents. Use the App for a top view.
If you need basic data for your own systems, we can provide data loads for you. It is up to you to decide whether this information should be submitted daily, weekly or monthly. Your accounting figures will be provided to you in a standardised file – all ready to be loaded to your bookkeeping system.
If you wish to add features to your other systems, we may be able to integrate these to PandaConnect’s portfolio management system. For instance, an upload of your portfolios can be provided to Bloomberg, allowing you to make better use of its potential.
If you need other integrations, we are always ready to develop the software for you.